We ARE igniters
Liatrio is a catalyst for change. We enable our customers to deliver value faster and safer by empowering people, teams, and organizations through modern DevOps practices and cloud technologies.
Our dedication to delivery is matched only by our passion for bringing enthusiasm and innovation to our clients. We're more than consultants; we're partners in your journey towards modernization.
We equip enterprise IT organizations with the strategies and tools necessary to modernize technology effectively, ensuring agile, efficient, and innovative software delivery and IT operations.
FIrst Principles
Our culture is our backbone. It's built on empathy, authenticity, and transparency — principles that guide our interactions with each other and with our clients. We value diverse perspectives and encourage a collaborative environment where everyone’s voice is heard. This isn’t just talk; it's how we operate daily.
- We challenge our customers through empathy and positive leadership. We act as change agents to help them accomplish their goals.
- Many principles and technologies we introduce are new to our customers. We don’t work with our clients to “be right”, we help them understand why something is right for them.
- Our customers know their business better than we do. We listen and learn in order to create mutual outcomes WITH clients, not just for them.
- We understand that we aren't the hero, we’re the advisor/mentor. We’re not Luke Skywalker, we’re Yoda.
- Technology is never in a final state; it’s always on a road of improvement. Transformation isn’t a destination, it’s a never-ending journey.
- Behavioral and cultural practices are also not permanently set. We help our customers continuously improve not only on an organizational level, but on a holistic and personal level too.
- Prioritizing improvement of a system’s overall flow yields the greatest benefit in delivery improvement. Once faster flow is achieved, it’s easier to solve individual problems.
- We advocate for fast feedback, through Proof of Concept (PoC), a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), or any other similar approach. Fast feedback allows us to gauge progress and make small, iterative moves aligned to what the feedback is signaling.
- We work to prove or disprove an idea as early as possible in order to best adjust our approach to a problem.
- While mistakes (technical and non-technical) do happen, we look at them as learning opportunities.
- Celebrating wins is equally important to teams and delivery work too. We make sure to pause and celebrate when the team wins.
- Strong Opinions means that we are confident in our positions and stand behind them — we are passionate, motivated, and informed in our professional opinions.
- Loosely Held means that we are always willing to challenge our opinions and can listen to and collaborate respectfully with other points of view.
- Community is critical for the success of software development. We strive to create, enhance, and build community wherever possible.
- We use collaborative tools such as Slack, Confluence, JIRA, etc. in order to encourage the behavior of excessive transparency and oversharing — thus allowing everyone to have situational awareness.
- Open source encourages community building and adds immediate value for our clients and ourselves. We embrace open source in both tools and mindset.
Driving change together
We're not just about technology; we're about transforming cultures and mindsets to thrive in a continuously evolving landscape. By prioritizing system-wide improvements and valuing feedback, we help organizations like yours not only adapt but lead in their fields. Join us in redefining what's possible, where technology modernization is a journey of endless innovation and growth.